Join us as we explore historical wargames, interview game designers, and occasionally sip a dram of fine Scotch! Little Wars FM is a premium podcast supported by the patrons of Little Wars TV, the largest historical wargaming channel on YouTube. To listen to every episode of the show, join us on Patreon!

Tuesday May 30, 2023
How to Design a Great Campaign (Part 2)
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
This week on Little Wars FM, we return to the topic of wargaming campaigns. In Part 1 we talked about linear, or "ladder style" campaign systems. Today we tackle map-based campaigning like you saw in our YouTube Pyrrhic War campaign. Miles, Tony and Greg reminisce over some of the club's most successful map based campaigns...and some of the least successful. What are the pitfalls to avoid? What unique challenges and exciting opportunities do "open sandbox" map campaigns present for miniature wargaming?
In the second half of this podcast, we interview Mark Backhouse from across the Atlantic about some of his campaigning experience. You may know Mark from his prolific articles in Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine or as the author of the recent ancients rules Strength & Honour.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wargaming Campaigns with Henry Hyde
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
In Part 1 of our series "How to Design Wargaming Campaigns," we talked to Henry Hyde. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more knowledgeable historian of our miniature tabletop hobby than Henry! In Part 1, you heard just a few brief segments of our much-longer and wider-ranging chat with him. As promised in that episode, we're releasing the full version of the conversation between Miles, Greg, and Henry.
If you're interested in running a campaign of any sort with your friends, it's a conversation we think you'll find most interesting! The timing of this topic was great for Henry, because he only recently completed a massive book on this exact subject. Several of us own copies here in the club. You'll hear more about the book, what it includes, and how it's organized throughout today's extended podcast.
We'll be back in the near future with Part 2 of our campaign series to talk in detail about map-based campaigns. We've had a lot of experience running those in our club....sometimes with great success. Other times...not so much. We'll talk about lessons learned and how you can avoid some of our worst campaign pitfalls in that upcoming podcast. Finally, we'd be remiss not to offer one final THANK YOU to Henry Hyde for being such a fantastic guest. You can keep up to date with his latest wargaming adventures at Battlegames.

Friday Feb 03, 2023
How to Design a Great Campaign
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
This week on Little Wars FM, we dive into a juicy topic--miniature wargaming campaigns. Our Pyrrhic War campaign this summer was a huge success, both within the club and on YouTube. But if we're being totally honest...we've had our fair share of duds when it comes to tabletop campaigning. It's not easy to design a good campaign experience that's balanced, winnable for both sides, and can be played to a satisfying end.
We're thrilled to welcome Henry Hyde of Battlegames (and the recent tome, "Wargaming Campaigns") and Travis of Tabletop CP. We suspect you all know Travis's YouTube channel quite well! We talk about specific case studies, examples of past campaigns, and what lessons you can implement to avoid our mistakes. Today's podcast episode focuses on a specific style of campaign--the "ladder" or linear campaign. In this format, tabletop battles progress in a scripted (or somewhat planned) path. This links your tabletop encounters together in a string of battles, where each influences the next. This style of campaign is a lot easier to play (and design) than the open sandbox of a map campaign like the Pyrrhic War. Next time on the podcast, we'll turn our attention to map-based campaigning.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
”Fistful of Lead Reloaded” Rule Review
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
This week on Little Wars FM, Josh and Dieter review "Fistful of Lead: Reloaded" from Wiley Games. The first edition of this Wild West skirmish game debuted almost 20 years ago but the "Reloaded" update appeared in 2016. The Old West rule review round up will continue in future podcasts, as Josh and Dieter continue their hunt for the perfect Wild West shootout game. They compare multiple systems, discuss pros and cons, and give you all the information you'll need to draw your own conclusions about which game is right for your group.
If you'd like early access to all LWFM podcasts, as well as exclusive episodes not available publicly, join us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/littlewarstv.

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Gunfighter’s Ball Rule Review
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
This week on Little Wars FM, Josh and Dieter review Gunfighter's Ball from Knuckleduster Miniatures. This is a Wild West skirmish game written by Forrest Harris and Brian Martin in 2018. And it's just the first of several stops we have coming on our Old West rule review tour! In future podcasts Josh and Dieter will return to compare other popular tabletop miniature systems. Grab your six shooter, put five beans in the wheel, and let's ride into the West!
If you'd like early access to all LWFM podcasts, as well as exclusive episodes not available publicly, join us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/littlewarstv.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
The Future of Virtual Tabletop Wargaming
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Do you remember the early days of COVID lockdowns, when there was a sudden surge of interest in virtual tabletop gaming? Tabletop Simulator, Vassal, Roll20, and old-fashioned web cams suddenly felt indispensable. Even conventions tried to adapt with new virtual formats.
That was two years ago, which makes this a good time to ask, "What happened?" Are those virtual platforms still popular? Are you using them as much as you used to? What will virtual tabletop gaming look like in 5 or 10 years? Today we're talking to an expert in the field--Jim Owczarski of Armchair Dragoons. Jim is a prolific scenario designer for Tabletop Simulator, adapting all manner of traditional miniatures games, including several you've seen on Little Wars TV.
After you listen to today's podcast, we encourage you to check out Jim's active blog updates on Armchair Dragoons and see photos and video of some virtual games!

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
15 Questions with Andy Callan
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
If you listened to our 6-part series on designing homebrew rules, you heard Tom and Greg reference Andy Callan's name many times as the original designer of "Loose Files and American Scramble" back in the 1980s. Loose Files served as the inspiration and jumping off point for what would eventually become British Grenadier and own own modern spin, Live Free or Die. But Andy has been writing games for decades and is STILL developing new creations.
His latest game, Nevermind the Billhooks, has been very well received and comes up frequently in this podcast. Let's talk to Andy Callan about his philosophy of rule design, spanning more than three decades as a wargamer!

Friday Dec 17, 2021
How to Write a Wargame (Part 6: Final Steps)
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
It's been a long journey, and today our homebrew rules writing guide takes its final steps. This is the last chapter in our exhaustive, multi-part podcast series on how to write a wargame. Months ago we started back at the brainstorming phase and several hours of podcasting later, Tom & Greg make it to the finish line. In this episode we talk to Dave Taylor, a freelance graphic designer with a deep background in the tabletop hobby. Dave shares some great insights and practical tips for how to take your Microsoft WORD document and transform it into a professional, polished product. To bring our journey full circle, be sure to stick around until the end of the episode for a surprise guest we've talked about--but never talked to--throughout the entire series. And if you missed any of the earlier parts in this six-part series, we encourage you to go back and start with Part 1!
To purchase a print or PDF copy of "Live Free or Die," visit us at http://www.LittleWarsTV.com.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
How to Write a Wargame (Part 5: Publishing?)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
In the fifth chapter of our multi-part series "How to Write a Wargame," we approach the finish line. Now that you have a fun game refined through playtesting, you may start to wonder about next steps. Is this a homebrew game you'll keep on the shelf for you and your friends? Or is this a game you should consider publishing? Tom & Greg weigh the considerations in publishing and debate final game adjustments from a major playtest session. If you missed any of the earlier parts in this series, we do encourage you to go back and start with Part 1!
Spoiler alert--we DID ultimately decide to publish "Live Free or Die" and to donate half the proceeds to one of our favorite charities, the American Battlefield Trust. You can visit the Trust to learn more about their mission of battlefield preservation at http://www.battlefields.org. To purchase a print or PDF copy of "Live Free or Die," visit us at http://www.LittleWarsTV.com.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
How to Write a Wargame (Part 4: Playtesting)
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
In the fourth chapter of our multi-part series "How to Write a Wargame," we discuss the role of play-testing. This is an absolutely critical part of the development process and we'll share some real-time feedback from our first round of play-testing at the club. Then, Tom & Greg head back to the drawing board to assess the necessary adjustments for further rounds of testing. Part 4 is a long one, folks! We're going deep into the weeds on the mechanics of game design and showing you how the sausage gets made. If you missed any of the earlier parts in this series, we do encourage you to go back and start with Part 1!